Macro Aufnahme einer Metallprofil Rolle

Precision Profiles from Engel.

Always a good choice.

Thanks to our uniquely developed EPS strategy we are able to process the high-precision metal profiles for our clients quickly, efficiently and environmentally friendly.
Get to know quality in metal profiles that only ENGEL Präzisionsprofile GmbH can offer!

Diverse and sophisticated Metal Profiles

Due to our wide range of materials, product dimensions and designs as well as our variety of processing options, we are able to offer our customers great flexibility when it comes to satisfy individual wishes or unique requirements. Our portfolio ranges from cold-formed, delicate to medium-sized (special) metal profiles with low tolerances. And of course our products are characterized by highest quality. Thanks to Lean Management, Lean Production and the ENGEL Productivity System (EPS) we can even guarantee best delivery reliability at attractive prices. Our core competences have repeatedly been confirmed by our customers around the globe.

Ästhetisches Bild aneinandergereihter verschiedener Vormaterialien.

Primary Material

Our customers can choose from the following input material:
blank, laquered, galvanized, brushed, anodized, coated, ground, cut-split band edge and rounded band edge.
Of course these are available as foiled materials as well.

We manufacture high-precision delicate to medium-sized precision profiles in the following measurements:

Material thickness: 0,3 to 2,0 mm (depending on the type of primary/input material)
Band-intake width: 5 to 220 mm
Profile length: up to 13.000 mm
Profile height: up to 65mm

Wide Spectrum of Manufacturing Possibilities

Pressing, notching, punching, embossing, clinching, spot welding (only if clinching is technically not possible), insertion of foreign parts such as press-in nuts, fixed lengths, deburring and much more. Thanks to our state-of-the-art machinery, we can offer a wide spectrum of manufacturing possibilities.

Other measurements, materials and designs, as well as producing profiles with material supplied by our customers are part of our services. You need to meet special requirements? We are sure to deliver to your unique wishes.

The economic advantages of profiled parts begin with quantities of approx. 25,000 running meters per year, depending on the respective tool segments.

Auf den Profiliergerüsten werden Profile in ihre endgültige Profilform gebracht.
The Manufacture of Profiles

In general coils, i.e. rolled-up primary sheets of material made of stainless steel, steel, aluminium, etc. are pre-punched in our presses and then cold-formed to the final profile shape with close tolerances by roll-forming in so-called roll-sets on profiling standards. During this process, the material is formed to its destined profile shape and length. In the final step the profiles`straightness and torsion is checked to deliver a precise and most accurate and satisfying product.

Stahlprofile werden beim Stanzen in ihre endgültige Form gepresst.

Profiles are inserted manually or automatically into certain punching tools and then pressed into the final shape automatically or at the push of a button.

Profile werden nach Wunsch und Anforderung mit Ausstanzungen und Löchern versehen.
Punching and Punching out

Profiles are provided in the press or in tool attachments (downstream of the production process) with punching/separating tools with holes, punching and embossing.

Profile werden mit einem bestimmten Fügeverfahren zusammengepresst und mit einem Clinchpunkt versehen

Profiles are pressed together using a specific joining process. Then a punch is forced onto the sheets similar to a rivet (joinging element). The strength of the produced parts can be compared to the strength achieved by welding, but has the advantage that no harmful dusts, vapors and exhaust gases occur as in welding. 


Pressmaschinen drücken das Profil in die richtige Form.

Additional parts such as screw nuts are pressed into the profiles during the production process as  „add-ons“.

Eine maschinelle Säge schneidet die Präzisionsprofile zu.
Sawing and Cutting

Profiles are cut to length by using a saw cut.

Fertiggestellte und entgratete Präzisionsprofile der Engel GmbH

If necessary, profiles are deburred with special brushes after the production process, i.e. sharp edges or edges are “defused”. 

Gestapelte, zusammengebundene fertige Profile der Engel Präzisionsprofile GmbH.

Quality is top Priority

Highest quality at fair prices, with zero-defect-strategy, clearly defined and practically implemented. As the very first German cold-rolling profiling company, ENGEL Präzisionsprofile GmbH was certified by an internationally accredited certification company in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9002 8/94 for all areas of the company in January 1995 (source: WLW).
This high quality standard could only be achieved on the basis of a quality management system that had been put into a sophisticated quality management system (QMS).

This high standard is continuously maintained and further optimized by the team-oriented implementation of the quality system in practice and by a precisely tuned number of quality inspections, which the products have to pass through from the incoming material to the outgoing products. For our roller tools we rely on the experienced three-star quality from the southern Black Forest and for our 1A raw/primary material we rely on renowned splitting service centers from Germany. Computer-aided process control and monitoring (e.g. SPC) and constant practical audits contribute significantly to our consistency in high quality.

Our products are characterized by low tolerances and high resistance. We are an innovative company and the partner of choice when it comes to manufacturing special profile shapes/designs, working with different primary material, and producing exclusively to meet our customers’ needs. In addition, you benefit from exclusive customer manufacturing. In 2012 we received certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 : 2008 by KIWA International Cert – and this already for the seventh time!

Awards and Certificates

KIWA Zertifikat für erfolgreiches Überwachungsaudit
Engel Präzisionsprofile sind Top-Business-Partner 2012.
Auszeichnung von Tycho Electronics als europaweit bester Lieferant

EPS – our unique Manufacturing Process

Our ENGEL Productivity System EPS is based on the well-known ToyotaTM Productivity System. As a metal profiling company, we see the factors quality and cost effectiveness as our top priority and as our company’s target criteria.

Doing this, we attach great importance on environmental-friendly and resource-saving production processes and are proud to state that we produce almost CO2-neutral.

Aufnahme zur Baugruppen Montage. Im Vordergrund ist eine Profiliermaschine. Im Hintergrund werden Stahl Profile weiterverarbeitet.

Service – Component Assembly

Our service includes the assembly of components. Using, for instance, ready-to-assemble components made from single parts, which stem from our own production. Assemblies include metal parts that have been exclusively manufactured for our customers by means of punching, profiling or preparing until they can be used for final installation.  What is important here is that our customers receive everything from a single source and that our products can be implemented as simply as possible.

Our customers benefit from our fast response, short lead times, fast delivery and low prices with proven and consistent ENGEL-quality. The assembly processes are regularly checked for efficiency and ergonomics using state-of-the-art methods (dynamic and static with time REFA/MTM.

Sträucher und Blumen stehen im Vordergrund. Die Fahne der Engel Präzisionsprofile GmbH ist im Hintergrund zu sehen.

Environmentally friendly and CO2-neutral

Additives without Chemicals

We produce with minimal lubricants that are applied in precisely dosed quantities to the material during production with the use of finest nozzles.                    These additives are environmentally-friendly and evaporate almost 100% residue-free.

Raw Material from the Region

We procure our raw materials regionally and if this is not possible, we prefer to to purchase from German based or German manufacturers. In regard to deliveries, we make sure that individual calls for raw materials of steel can be combined as fas as possible in order to avoid unnecessary truck journeys and thus unnecessary environmental pollution.

“Green” Energy

We obtain our electricity from electricity suppliers who mainly use alternative forms of energy like wind energy, solar energy and geothermal energy etc.

Environmental Conscious Workplace

We separate our garbage strictly and try to avoid garbage before it accumulates. We use reusable instead of disposable bottles, i.e. we only use drinks from reusable glass bottles from regional sources. All employees are appropriately trained and instructed to think and act in an environmentally friendly and resource-conserving manner at their workplaces. We have planted trees and bushes on our company premises so that we can make our contribution to preserving biodiversity. Ultimately, this also has a positive effect on the operating result.